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WIP Job Control
DATASCOPE WMS has an advanced feature set for manufacturing companies. The WIP module focuses on the following functionality:
Like the sales order release function this software takes jobs from SYSPRO and releases the required material picking slips needed in DATASCOPE WMS. All allocation of stock is managed in the DATASCOPE WMS systems to ensure that the most optimal stock is reserved.
In many cases, jobs are released across two warehouses. A standard raw material bulk warehouse and a pick face warehouse. Each job component material allocation is split intelligently so pick full cartons or bags from the bulk warehouse and remaining “less than bag size” from a pick face warehouse. The replenishment system is then run to move inventory from the bulk warehouse to the pick face warehouse.
In many WIP environments, some components are flagged as kit issued items. These products are not picked and issued to jobs on the DATASCOPE WMS controlled picking slips but are rather transferred to pick face picks in WIP based on the replenishment systems. A typical kit issue product may be a particular nut. We do not want to pick our the nuts separately for every job as they are very low-cost items and are used in almost every job. So, we flag the nuts on the bills of material as kit issued items. The DATASCOPE WMS picking process will not expect us to pick the nuts when we prepare all the other components for the current job. Instead, the nuts have a dedicated pick face bin or bins on the factory floor with min and max levels. Based on these levels, the replenishment system will trigger the replenishment of nuts to the floor (perhaps only once a week).
As each job is manufactured and the finished product is received off the job the kit issue items are automatically issued from these default bins. If each product only has one WIP bin location the kit issue process is automated. However, if many pick face bins exist for a single SKU, then the PC-based job receipt screen must be used and this program will request the user to select the bins that were specifically used. In these environments, it is suggested that WIP factories are split into separate warehouses.
Job Receipts typically occur after the manufacturing process is completed and the finished product(s) are ready to be received into inventory and sold. They can be done on either a PC-based screen or a mobile device.
A full job labeling module is available to pre-print all job-related labels, including pallet labels, carton labels, and product labels.