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Blend Manufacturing
DATASCOPE WMS has a very focused module for any company running SYSPRO, where the company is involved with the manufacture of blends that are packaged and sold—companies such as spice manufacturers, chemical plants, pharmaceutical manufacturers, bakeries, etc.
The module works with SYSPRO’s WIP module to offer very specific tools that assist blenders in optimizing their stock management. For instance, these businesses battle with stock control because they must pick part bags of products for jobs. Before long, the warehouse ends up with these hundreds of part bags lying all over the show. The DATASCOPE job allocation module can be set up to only reserve and pick full packs from the main raw material warehouse and all part bags/remaining quantities from a pick face warehouse. The software automatically does all the required updates on the SYSPRO job to split the material allocations across the two warehouses and then produces two linked picking slips for the job.

Then a full PC-based weigh module can be installed in the pick face warehouse. This module is integrated into a scale, and the product is picked by weighing each component. Once the weight is within the set tolerance, the product can be posted to the job.
All products picked can be labeled as the product is packed with the job number, parent stock code, component stock code, and quantity.