


The shipping module is built to manage the shipment of orders through third-party logistics providers (LSPs). It is highly configurable and allows for fixed and flexible loading.

The shipping department will use this module to review SYSPRO orders or DATASCOPE WMS picking slips and assign them for shipment with a logistics carrier. The screens allow the user to view the order details in several ways to optimize the shipment.

Before the orders are picked, they can be linked to a shipment waybill number. This waybill can be set as fixed load or flexi load.

Shipping menu

Fixed Load

In the fixed mode, the selected orders are designated for shipment on this waybill, allowing for the preparation and printing of shipment details before the truck arrives. This efficient process instills confidence in the shipping department’s planning.

Flexi Load

In the flexi load mode, orders are linked to the waybill, and confirmation of the shipped items is only done after the truck is loaded. This flexible approach empowers the shipping department to plan the required loads and release the documentation at the end, ensuring that what is on our dispatch note and on the waybill matches, and the customer receives the expected delivery.

Waybill BOL Maintenance screen

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