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Medical Products
Juzo USA is a subsidiary of Juzo Germany, a company with a history of over 100 years. Juzo started back in 1917 in East Germany the “stocking capital” of the world. Over the years the company grew its operations and improved on its technology. In the 1960’s Juzo became the first company to manufacture latex free products. In the 1970’s Juzo purchased land in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio and in the 1980’s manufacturing started in the USA.
In 2016 the USA operation started an expansion of their finished goods warehouse. Increasing demand was placing strain on the existing finished good warehouse. The new warehouse was build in late 2016 and new racking and conveyers where commissioned in 2017. As part of this expansion Juzo USA looked for a suitable WMS solution. Due to that fact that Juzo USA runs on SYSPRO ERP it was felt that DATASCOPE had the right solution for their business.
DATASCOPE worked closely with BT Partners (A DATASCOPE DSP Partner) to deliver the software solution. Much focus was placed on the many complex warehouse processes. Juzo is a highly adaptable company and offers very fast turn around times on all orders. Further products can be customized before they are shipped. The warehousing systems have to control the tracking of standard picking processes as well as the management of products that are sent for tailoring before shipment. Additional to this Juzo have a range of make to measure options. These orders are loaded into SYSPRO and a work order released to the factory. These orders also must be tracked into the final dispatch area. Once all sections of the order have been prepared the products are combined and shipped to the client.
In future we will be working with Juzo USA to implement the DATASCOPE software into their raw material and work in progress operations.