
Catering Equipment

American Metalcraft Inc., based in Chicago IL, made history as the first US Based DATASCOPE WMS site. AMC went live at the end of January 2017.

We were exceptionally pleased with the go-live and commitment from the staff at AMC as well as Business Technology Partners (DATASCOPE DSP in Chicago), which resulted in the site going live a day earlier than planned. On day three after go-live, the DC was back up to full volume.

Within weeks AMC’s DC was outperforming targets and exceeding previous year’s high targets. All weekly overtime has stopped as the warehouse is far more efficient. In March 2017, statistics showed that 65-70% of all orders were packed and shipped within 1 day. This is a substantial improvement over previous years as shown by the charts below:

New functionality was added to the software for this project namely:

  • Sales order kits at order allocation, picking, packing and dispatching;
  • USB scale interfacing was enhanced (for checkout);
  • A full integration layer has been written into ADSI (Shipping tool) using the new VB scripting functionality in DATASCOPE WMS. This integration completely automates all shipping label printing at the checkout stations.

The main benefits AMC has seen to date include:

  • Pro-active replenishment of pick face bins based on orders and bin levels;
  • Cycle counting has been implemented to improve stock accuracy;
  • Automatic dispatch notes at the end of packing have removed the one-hour downtime that used to be in place each night for invoicing;
  • Better visibility in terms of order status, turn-around time and fill rate;
  • More accurate packing data & tracking to deal with customer complaints;
  • Reliable KPIs and Statistics to manage performance within the warehouse.


Tom Jursich (AMC Project Manager) had this to say about the DATASCOPE implementation:

“Our implementation exceeded all of my expectations, especially on go-live weekend. Leading up to that weekend, I had envisioned a huge task list with the team running around trying to get everything done all weekend. We actually spent most of Friday and Saturday waiting for the inventory count to be finished, and on Sunday morning the managers were already picking and packing live orders.”

Days taken to process an Order from Entry date to Ship date

At DATASCOPE we are proud to have AMC as a flag ship site and look forward to an exciting future together.

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