Finding the right WMS Software Reseller is more than a software procurement decision. You should treat this as a business partnership over the years to come. To help companies with the selection process, our team has compiled a WMS Selection Handguide. In part 2 of our WMS for SYSPRO blog series, we’ll talk about the second criterion you can use to help you select the right WMS system for your business: system functionality fit.
Growing companies often suffer from short-sighted implementations. The warehouse management system solutions are either missing key functionalities or unable to integrate with the client’s ERP system.
To prevent these types of failures from happening to your company, we recommend preparing a WMS functionality list based on your business requirements. The software reseller should be asked to complete the WMS RESELLER RESPONSE column of this checklist during the selection process, prior to being short-listed.
Our team has created a template WMS functionality checklist to use. In this checklist, you’ll be prioritizing the WMS functionality, rating each requirement based on how necessary it is to your business.
Before committing to another software, make sure there is a good fit between your business requirements and the WMS system’s offerings. DATASCOPE has compiled a detailed functionality checklist spreadsheet that you can use to assess the functionality fit with your business. Reach out today to learn more.