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WMS for SYSPRO: Intro to How to Select Your WMS

The selection of a real-time, integrated WMS is critical to the success of your operations and your business. If your ERP system goes down for a couple of hours, operations can generally continue. If your WMS goes down for a couple of hours, that can cripple the entire operation. At DATASCOPE , we have created a Warehouse Management System Selection Handguide to help you choose the right WMS software for your business and strategic competitive advantage objectives. These WMS software selection criteria will give you valuable information about the professionalism of WMS resellers and help you determine whether the WMS is real-time integrated into the ERP system or a standard product. You’ll have a better idea of what to expect during the implementation phase and what the potential costs and risks will be for your business. You’ll also learn about what long-term system support is offered and the ROI you can expect.


In this blog series, we will focus on the individual criteria that make up the selection process. The 17 WMS selection criteria include: 

  1. Operational Consulting
  2. WMS Functionality Fit for Business Requirements
  3. ERP Recommendations 
  4. ERP Integration
  5. Standard Plug and Play Software
  6. Product & Company Sustainability
  7. General Look & Feel of Software
  8. Company’s Implementation Methodology 
  9. Implementation Time 
  10. Number of other Companies Running the Software
  11. Local Support 
  12. Knowledge of ERP System and Business Requirements
  13. Costs 
  14. Business Risk
  15. Latest Technologies Used – Android / Cloud Based 
  16. International Footprint 
  17. Standard Built KPI’s

We also have a matrix to help facilitate and drive the selection process.

We trust that the blog series will provide useful insights to help you select the right WMS partners for your company.

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