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Streamline Warehouse Operations with the Consolidated Checkout Module

Datascope WMS Consolidated Checkout module.

Effective warehouse management requires precise control over various processes to ensure timely order fulfillment and customer satisfaction. One such process is managing large sales orders split into multiple picking slips. The Consolidated Checkout DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS offers a streamlined solution for this challenge. This article explores how the Consolidated Checkout module works and provides an example of its application in a warehouse setting.

The primary function of this module is to assist warehouses in managing large SYSPRO Sales Orders split into multiple picking slips. These slips are picked over time and invoiced as a single Sales Order. This approach is particularly beneficial for project sales orders, which can span several days or weeks, requiring the warehouse to invoice the customer once at the end of the project or month.

The Consolidated Checkout module ensures that all picking slips related to the same SYSPRO Sales Order are correct before performing a once-off invoice or dispatch note. This module complements the usual checkout process and only comes into play after checkout, ensuring all associated picking slips are combined into one invoice or dispatch note.

Viewing Pick Slips

Consolidated Checkout pickslip review screen

Once all pick slips are in the CHECKED status, the Consolidated Checkout module can be accessed via mobile devices. Staff can scan or enter the SYSPRO Sales Order number to load all associated pick slips. If pick slips are not in the required status, the system will display a warning, and the Dispatch and Invoice buttons will remain inactive until the issue is resolved.

Example: Consolidated Checkout in Action

Imagine a warehouse handling a large project sales order for a construction company. The order includes multiple components required at different stages of the project. As stock becomes available, pick slips are generated and picked. These slips are then staged in designated checkout cages.

The warehouse staff ensures that all pick slips reach the CHECKED status throughout the project. Once the project is near completion, the Consolidated Checkout module is used to scan the sales order number. The system confirms that all pick slips are in the correct status, enabling the staff to generate a single invoice and dispatch note for the entire project. This simplifies the billing process, reduces administrative work, and ensures accurate invoicing.

Performing a Standard Check Out Audit

If any pick slips are incorrect, the Check Out Audit HTML5 screen can be used to update their status. Scanning or entering the pick slip number and checking out the slip, the status is updated to CHECKED. This ensures that all pick slips are ready for the Consolidated Checkout process.

The Consolidated Checkout module in DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS  streamlines managing large sales orders split into multiple picking slips. Ensuring that all slips are in the correct status before invoicing or dispatching simplifies the final stages of order fulfillment, enhances accuracy, and reduces administrative overhead. Implementing this module can significantly improve efficiency and customer satisfaction in warehouse operations.

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