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DATASCOPE WMS Mobile App Version 5 Launched

DATASCOPE has released Version 5 of our WMS mobile app solution, developed for SYSPRO customers worldwide. The software is now running in the USA, Canada, South Africa, and Australia. Over the past 10 years, we have invested heavily in R&D, adding new modules, and improving the overall user experience with deep functionality.

Many distribution companies are experiencing a return on investment (ROI) of under 6 months… every 6 months! With advanced traceability, we are seeing clients with extremely high inventory accuracies in their distribution centers and factories. These companies are using advanced KPIs (Key Performance Indicator reports) to hold staff accountable and to drive staff productivity.

In two recent implementations in North America, we have seen staff reductions of 10 staff in one distribution center and 11 in the other. These cost savings alone are enormous. Further, these companies have drastically reduced overtime and weekend work while improving service to their customers.


The integration between DATASCOPE WMS and SYSPRO is extensive. More and more SYSPRO functionality is being integrated into our software. No WMS implementation can match the professionalism and level of integration that our software offers. This is true across well-branded international WMS products. Where those products cater to a wide range of ERP solutions, our software leverages SYSPRO to the hilt.

Our clients range from 15 named user warehouses to sites with over 140 users across multiple sites and multiple warehouses. Some operate standard distribution practices while others make extensive use of RFIDvoice picking, conveyor integration, etc. Most clients have used DATASCOPE WMS as a strategic tool to differentiate their position in their market. For factory environments, the drivers have been inventory accuracy to allow for improved planning as well as lot traceability. Distribution intensive clients have used the software to completely reposition their service offerings to their clients. This includes improved order accuracies and turnaround times; orders packed strategically for reduced shipping costs or customer requirements; additional visibility for online orders; customer EDI requirements and many others. Some have even dramatically improved their warehouse operations to win contemporary brands which they now represent in their market.


  1. SYSPRO Operator lockout now validates on logging into DATASCOPE WMS.
  2. All Settings are laid out in tabular format with improved groupings.
  3. Version 5.0 includes online help information in most modules.
  4. The online help allows customers to add their own custom help notes.
  5. The WIP module now includes an advanced Job Wave release module to allow for bulk order releases in a similar manner to the Sales Order Wave Release module.
  6. Customer plugin reservation rules now apply to Sales order and WIP release. Clients can highly customize their own inventory allocation logic.
  7. The above rules have been split to allow clients to assign different picking strategies to different orders.
  8. An additional filter setting has been added to the replenishment system to include or exclude forward orders in the replenishment demand calculations.
  9. Additional customer on-hold checks have been implemented to stop picking or packing of orders where the customer has been put on hold during the picking process.
  10. A large amount of development has been implemented to recognize the SYSPRO Sales Order’s initial line number so that orders can be edited during the picking process.
  11. The MSN (Master Shipment Number) field has been extended into additional modules allowing the order releasing staff and packing/checkout staff the ability to group orders for a single delivery.
  12. Voice picking has been extended to the WIP module. You can now implement voice into factory picking.
  13. WIP job component picking can now be picked to a conveyor.
  14. The carton and final mass checking screen have been improved with two new settings to allow the screen to be used without a weight scale integration.
  15. Sales order and SCT orders now can be set to have a maximum number of lines per picking slip. This is a very useful function as large orders will automatically split into multiple picking slips if the total number of reserved lines is greater than the set max value. Large orders can now be released with many picking slips with say 10 lines to pick or less.
  16. The WIP wave release screen allows for a user to review groups of orders and release these groups separately or to clear the reservations for the group to free up the inventory management for other orders.
  17. The WIP wave release screen caters to master and sub-jobs now. This is very useful in multi-level WIP job environments.
  18. Several improvements have been made to the new shipping module to improve the validation of sales order, picking slip, and picked pallet information links.
  19. Progress on the new HTML 5 scan.


Our Ongoing Support has become pivotal in the day-to-day running of our support department. The original support portal was launched 8 years ago, and we have realized that it is time to make some improvements to this system. The new support portal updates existing features and brings many new features. Firstly, there is a modern look and feel (bootstrap), the email messages alert messages have also been revamped. 

The menu has been streamlined. A new dashboard screen acts as the user’s homepage. For customers, this shows a summary of contracts as well as a balance of hours as of the last month-end. There are summaries of all calls and tasks. The new rating system has been implemented and calls will remain on the customer’s dashboard summary until rated. This encourages customers to rate our service and gives our support department a measure of performance. Many features also add value to our own staff and will streamline their day-to-day working experience. 

We anticipate that portal 2.0 will soon be released. This brings together our experience for many years and we look forward to launching this for our customers!

Contact us to request a demonstration or for more details on our solutions and product brochures.

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