DATASCOPE is excited to announce the release of version 24R2 of the DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS software suite. This update focuses heavily on new WMS Business Objects, enabling seamless integration with third-party applications. It also incorporates several customer-driven enhancement requests, reflecting our commitment to meeting user needs. Additionally, significant attention was given to baseline stability and thorough roundoff testing to ensure product reliability. The 24R2 release includes 28 new feature requests and 49 minor updates and improvements.
Here are a few highlights from the 24R2 WMS Release:
- A new business object – PreReceipt Allocation, will replicate the functionality of the HTML 5 Pre-Receipt screen.
- A new business object – PurchaseOrderAllocateStock, will allow the allocation of stock to Track IDs for the specified Purchase Order.
- A new business object – PickSlipStatusUpdate, will replicate the functions of the Pick Slip Status Update screen.
- A new business object – PrintPickSlip, will allow the printing of any existing packing slips.
- A new business object – ShippingMassAndDims, will replicate the functions of Shipping Dims and Mass screens.
- A new business object – ShippingDispatchPutAway, will replicate the functions of the Dispatch Put Away screen.
- New business objects – to add Sales Orders to an existing Waybill, to Maintain a Waybill and Delete a Waybill.
- A new business object – Cycle Count Item Post, will replicate the functions of the HTML5 Cycle Count screen.
- A new business object – Stocktake Item Post, will replicate the functions of the HTML5 Stock Taking screen.
- A new business object – PreReceipt Allocation, will replicate the functionality of the HTML 5 Pre-Receipt screen.
• A new business object – PurchaseOrderAllocateStock, will allow the allocation of stock to Track IDs for the specified Purchase Order. - A new business object – PickSlipStatusUpdate, will replicate the functions of the Pick Slip Status Update screen.
- A new business object – PrintPickSlip, will allow the printing of any existing packing slips.
- A new business object – Backflushing, will replicate the functions of HTML5 Inventory Backflush screen.
- Ability to delete single count detail line and ability to bin transfer Track ID from Cycle Count Approval screen.
- Ability to create a new MSN for an SCT order from the Maintain Master Shipment screen.
- A new customizable plugin for Pick Face Replenishment Calculations.
- Ability to generate SSCC numbers for Shipping Track IDs created via HTML 5 Shipping Palletization screen.